Forel Heritage Association

The aim of the Association is to carry out various research projects in collaboration with the Swiss and the International scientific community, including educational projects, to help achieve a goal identical to that pursued by the Swiss Polar Foundation, in Lausanne (VD).

In 2024, the Swiss Polar Foundation has transfered ownership of FOREL to the « Forel Heritage Association ». The latter manage the platform, including logistics, maintenance and operation of the sailboat and its instruments. To this end, a team of experienced sailors, and scientific and administrative coordinators ensure the good operation of the platform and expeditions.

The Association is also be responsible for launching calls for projects, assessing their feasibility, and finally selecting the projects with the collaboration of a group of scientific experts. This group of scientific experts determine the quality and relevance of the projects submitted.

The Association is financially supported by the Swiss Polar Foundation, as well as by private donations. Part of the operational costs is financed by a per diem charged to scientists wishing to use the platform.